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Random Image Joseph George Fortin 1897-1939 headstone, Southview Cemetery, N. Adams, MA. Image by Francis Fortin.

Tanguay Volume 1 (1608 - 1700):
Abel - Cecyre
Cederet - Etienne, Philippe
Etienne, Guillaume - Lafaye
Laferriere - Paillerault
Paillier - Zapaglia

Tanguay Volumes 2-7 (1701 - 1763):
Abel - Banel
Banet - Belois
Beloux - Boissier
Boisson - Braconnier variations
Braconnier - Caissie
Calan - Chapuy
Charboneau - Cossau
Cosserais - DeBalansin
Debar - Deslabillet
Deslandes - Dubours
DuBressieux - Ezerio
Fabas - Garrion
Garzeaux - Goin
Goineau - Hanet
Hangard - Jinines
Joachim - Landonais
Landarneau - Lechelle
Lechene - LeTourneaux
Letpheneens - Marcheterre
Marchildon - Mercier
Mercin - Noree
Normand - Pears
Pecaudy - Poiriau variations
Poiriau, Paul - Raffoux
Raffin - Robidoux
Robillard - Secheret
Seclerc - Thierrot
Thierry - Zizeuse

Complement - Volume 1:
Ablin, Pierre - Chaput, Bonaventure
Charbonneau, Francois - Ethier, Pierre
Fafard, Louis - Jette, Joseph
Joanne, Marc - Mercier, Pierre-Louis
Mercure, Joseph - Robidou, Antoine
Robillard, Pierre - Voyon, Nicolas

Addendum to Complement - Volume 1:
Abraham, J.Bte. - Moutelle, Michel-Anne

Complement - Volume 2:
Abraham, Rene - Chaput, Jacques
Charbonneau, Jacques - Ezequiel, Yves
Fabas, Louis - Jinchereau, J.Bte.
Joachim, Pierre - Mercier, Pierre
Mercure, Joseph - Robidou, Pierre
Robillard, Joseph - Yvon, J.Bate.

Other Topics in Tanguay:
Instructions for Tanguay Records.
Instructions for Complement to Tanguay.
How to make a family tree using Tanguay
Title page - Series-1.
Introduction to Series-1.
Etymology and history of names
Key to the marriage records
Ecclesiastical Provinces of France in 1631.
Alphabetical list of places with the province in France in 1631.
Parishes and Missions in Quebec province from 1621 to 1871.
Geographical list of Quebec parishes in 1871.
Alphabetical list of Quebec parishes in 1871.
Governors, Intendants, Judges, Doctors of New France 1608 - 1700.
Notaries of New France from 1673 to 1677.
Seigneuries in New France in 1681.
Preface of the publishers (Series-2)
Explanatory notes (Series-2)
Title page - Series-2.
Introduction to Series-2.
List of slaves in New France.
Illegitamate Births
Men's names and their variations.
Women names with no roots in New France.
Women names where only Baptism name is mentioned
Men's names who married Native American women.