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Random Image Restaurant Au Anciens Canadiens, Haute-Ville, Quebec City. Image by Roger Bartholomy.
The chart below contains the essential elements for a basic 5 generation pedigree chart:

1. Number each chart at lower left and store the charts numerically.

2. Refer to each person by their number on the chart. Example; person 4-1 would be person 1 on chart 4.
Note: This person may also be on chart 3 as person 16 (refer to as 3-16), that links to person 4-1.
This method works well when you keep a notebook to track leads or details about a person.

3. At far right, persons 16 to 31 may be continued onto additional numbered charts where they are person 1.

4. Each spouse of person 1 has a reference to their own pedigree chart where they are person 1.

5. At upper left, person 1 may be a continuation from a previous chart. Example; person 16 on chart 3.

6. Dates and Places are recorded for Birth, Marriage and Death of each person.

7. Add more details on the back side of a hard copy, just include the person number.
Example; "#4 1940 residence - 123 Main St., Woonsocket, RI."

8. Always add a 'citation' for each piece of data. Example; "#4 residence - 1940 US Census, Woonsocket, RI."
Pedigree Chart