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AFGS for Members-Only
Random Image Jacques Baudon Memorial, St Francois Cemetery, L'Ile d'Orleans, Quebec. Image by Roger Bartholomy.

AFGS wants your ancestors to be remembered.

You've spent countless hours researching your ancestors, and AFGS wants to recognize your hard work.
You can be part of AFGS by sharing your ideas and information that might help other researchers.
Maybe AFGS can put it on our website, publish it in our 'Je Me Souviens' journal, or add it to our Library, and this service is FREE.

Share data about your ancestors.

Have you written a Story, an Article, or Biography about your ancestors? We could publish it in our JMS journal for all members to read.

Have you written a Book or Pamphlet about your ancestors that should be on our website, or on the library shelves at AFGS?

Do you have Headstone Photos, Obituaries, or Funeral Cards of your ancestors, that should be memorialized.

Have you found Links to unique websites that helped you with your research, maybe in Canada, France, or elsewhere in Europe?

Just download our Submission Request Form and edit it on your computer. Then EMAIL the completed form with attachments to AFGS.


1. Photos and scanned images must be submitted as JPG files. Documents may be submitted as DOC, TXT, XLS, or PDF files.

2. You must be creator of the data, or you have written permission from the creator, or it must be publicly published and not under copyright.

3. Submit all items as email attachments, as described on the submission form.

4. Instructions are listed on the Submission Form.

5. Please do not submit physical items without previous approval by AFGS. To donate items (books, maps, research data, etc), please contact AFGS to make arrangements.

Your Legacy:

Many researchers find their enthusiam and passion to learn about their ancestors, is not also felt by their family.
What will happen to all your research and records after you are gone?

To preserve your legacy and all your research, consider donating your records and books to the AFGS library in your 'Will'.
Then, other researchers can benefit, continue your hard work, and your legacy lives on.

For further information, please email AFGS at:, or contact us at:
Phone: (401)-765-6141
Mail Address: American-French Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 830, Woonsocket, RI 02895-0870