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AFGS for Members-Only
Random Image Sign for La Seigneurie des Aulnaies, St-Roch-des-Aulnaies, Quebec. Image by Roger Bartholomy.

Select Name Range:
Abair - AubinAubois - BartheBarthelemi - BelangerBelarbre - Betters
Bettis - BonfretilleBonheur - BouvretBouy - BushwayBuskey - Chabole
Chabot - ChemitChenail - ComteComtois - CussonCustaud - De la Mare
De la Margue - DeLabathDelaborde - DeparisDeparoy - DeslieresDesliette - Dietier
Dieu-de-Part - DuchongDuChoquet - DurivetDurocher - FauchetFauchon - Fouet
Fougard - GaraultGarceau - GerueGervais - GourceGourde - Guignart
Guignolet - HenardHenaud - HunterHuot - JeudyJeune - Kerle
Keroac - LacotteLaCoudray - LafountainLafoy - LalanneLalaure - Langlais
Langley - LariviereLarkin - LaurendeauLaurens - LeBretonLebrette - Lemaye
Lemedeque - LessardLessor - LongwayLonlabard - MalemMalenfant - Martin
Martinbault - MesnyMeson - MondouxMondy - MoyseMoziere - Oui
Ouilem - PeanutPearo - PicPicard - PomerlotPomeroy - Pucelle
Pudnam - RehelReianger - RobidasRobidaut - RoutierRoutoy -Sancour
Sanctuaire - SenneterreSenneville - St. CybartSt. Cyr - StubingerStyout - Thubieres
Thuillier - VadeauVadeboncoeor - VilaineVilaire - Zz

1. Read the Description to learn more about Dit names and name Variants.

2. Select a name range to browse.

3. Names that begin with a letter followed by an apostrophe, will show at top of the list.

4. If you know of other Name Variants, particularly as families crossed into the USA, we can include them here.
Just send a list to AFGS by Email ( or Post Office (AFGS, P.O. Box 830, Woonsocket, RI 02895-0870)