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AFGS for Members-Only
Random Image Joseph George Fortin 1897-1939 headstone, Southview Cemetery, N. Adams, MA. Image by Francis Fortin.

AFGS is a voluntary non-profit organization:

AFGS is extremely grateful to our volunteers for their dedication to genealogy and their willingness to help others.

We ask that you be patient, as we work through the mountains of data we want to put online.

Volunteers are the ones that make AFGS possible and add value to what we do.

You can help AFGS by volunteering some of your time and experience.

There are ways you can help right from your home, regardless where you live.

You don't even need to be at the AFGS library.

Do you have data entry, computer, or typing skills?

You can help other researchers, as others may have helped you, and AFGS would certainly welcome your knowledge.

Just download our Volunteer Application Form and edit it on your computer. Then EMAIL the completed form to AFGS.

Or, just contact AFGS by email at: