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AFGS for Members-Only
Random Image Presbytery of Notre Dame de Vair, now a post office, St-Cosme en Vairais, France. Image by Francis Fortin.
How to navigate the Online Library:

1. Move the mouse over the tan-colored MENU BAR above to display the available menu options.

Menu OptionAction
[up arrow]Goes to our public website at
HomeGoes to the Members-Only landing page.
WelcomeLists the 'Welcome' options that include the AFGS Introduction, Help Instructions, Copyright, Privacy and Disclaimer policies.
Whats NewDescribes all of the updates made to the Members-Only pages, listed from newest to oldest.
DatabasesLists various databases related to 'dit' names, births, marriages and deaths that are searchable for genealogy records .
BooksIncludes data from printed texts to aid you with your research. Please respect the copyright policy of AFGS and/or the author.
MemorialsLists memorials and monuments to our ancestors, typically as images, in searchable databases.
EducationLearn good techniques for genealogy research, from understanding French terms, accent marks, basics pedigree charts, understanding repertoire records, to training lectures & videos.
ServicesAccess to AFGS services to provide you with original records, or do some research for you (for a nominal fee).
LinksLinks to web sites outside of AFGS that may help you with your research. Most are free, but some may require membership or a subscription fee.
LogoutWhen using a public computer, it is recommended that you log out of a website to protect your privacy and exit securely. AFGS logs you out when you leave the members-only URL.

2. Books will open so you can browse them as if you were in the library, so check the Table of Contents and the Index for the data you want. The book files are large so please be patient.

3. Searchable databases let you enter specific search text based on the "Search Guidelines". Results are limited to the first 1,000 data matches.

4. All updates made by AFGS are listed on the "Whats New" page to let you know when we add more data.

5. Take advantage of discounts and other benefits offered by AFGS affiliated companies on our "Member Benefits" page.

6. Can't translate that French/Latin record about your ancestor? Use our "Translation Service" to have AFGS do it for you.

7. Want to review ANY of the 20,000+ books on our shelves? Ask AFGS to do it for you using our "Lookup Service" for a small fee.

8. Need copies of original records from our vast microfilm collection? Get them for a small fee using our "Filmroom Service".

9. Hit a dead-end or a road-block in your research? Ask AFGS to help using our "Research Service" for a nominal fee.

10. You should check back often, since these pages will continue to expand over time as AFGS loads more data.

11. Please be patient, as AFGS is a voluntary organization, and there are mountains of data we want to include.

12. You can zoom-in or zoom-out of all pages by pressing [ ctrl ][ + ] to zoom-in, or pressing [ ctrl ][ - ] to zoom-out.
To return to the default view, press [ ctrl ][ 0 ] ... that's [ control ][ zero ]. This works on all PCs not just for this website (Mac ?).

13. AFGS needs your Help! Volunteers are needed to help AFGS do what we do. If you have data entry, computer or typing skills and want to volunteer some time, please contact AFGS at:

14. If you have comments or feedback, please email AFGS at:, or contact AFGS at:
Phone: (401)-765-6141
Mail Address: American-French Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 830, Woonsocket, RI 02895-0870